Asking for Help
For me, asking for help has not been easy. Actually, damn difficult. I grew up in the mode of, ”I need to manage on my own” and that it's a weakness to ask for help or rely on other people.…
For me, asking for help has not been easy. Actually, damn difficult. I grew up in the mode of, ”I need to manage on my own” and that it's a weakness to ask for help or rely on other people.…
Do you want to know what I think is one of the biggest routes to happiness? Asking for what I want. Each time I want something, asking for it. When I worry that the other person doesn’t want the same…
Radical Honesty trainer candidate and Honesty Europe team member Bernie Reingruber writes our newsletter this week. Dear friend, Lately, I have noticed myself being increasingly should-phobic in my life. I am at war with my inner shouldist, who is telling…
Dear friend,People often ask me questions like:“What’s the difference between Radical Honesty and brutal honesty?”“What if I judge the other person can’t take what I want to share?”“Can’t lying be an act of kindness?”I don’t think there’s kindness in us…
I'm not a big fan of traditional New Year’s resolutions. However, I believe noting down thoughts about the coming year can be valuable as long as I make them inspirations and wants and not yet more shoulds and musts. I…
What if you are perfect as you are? What if there is nothing you should or shouldn’t be? Many self-development programs set “change” as a goal: the new and improved you. I’m proposing the possibility that you’re perfect as you…