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Join the Transformational 8-Day Intensive Retreat in La Palma island 21 Feb - 1 March!
small rain puddle in leaf on the ground

Do you hear the raindrops?

When was the last time you consciously slowed down?

Walked a little slower?

Stopped to look at the sky or trees? 

I have been slow for the past few days. I got done less than normally.

Last week I wrote about how I have felt tired recently. Tiredness helped me to slow down.

I was going to write made me slow down.

It was a choice. I chose to slow down when I felt like it.

Actually slowing down has been good.

When I am slower I notice more.

Right now I hear raindrops falling onto the roof. 

I hear sounds of cars.

I hear a seagull screaming.

A moment ago I heard my big inhale.

I notice my stomach is relaxing and hanging out loose. I enjoy that sensation.

When did you last listen to the sounds around you? 

In case you missed the newsletter about being tired you can read it here.

Do you notice what happens in your body right now?

What are the thoughts you are having?

You might also like this video about noticing bodily sensations in Honesty Europe’s YouTube channel.


P.S. We have two more spots available for the 8-Day Intensive 14-22 June in the beautiful lake region in Finland by Lake Saimaa! 

In this place we are surrounded by a forest with a big garden, and we have plenty of privacy, a hot tub, rowing boat and two saunas!

In case you can’t make it in June your next opportunity is Lazarote end of February 2023  – the 8-Day in Mallorca is already fully booked!

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