All of a sudden I felt Joy
Last week I wrote about allowing yourself to feel sorry for yourself.I think that's important.Rather than pushing down unpleasant emotions allowing them to exist and even getting curious about them. (If you missed the newsletter you can still read it…
I changed my mind
I admit I have never been a rainy day person. I hear people talking about rain and enjoying feeling the raindrops. I get wet in rain. I especially don't like wet feet. And I don't like wearing wet socks. I…
Where do you feel at home?
Where do you feel at home? What is the place where your system just calms down? I have been pondering this lately. Like other summers Pete and I have spent weeks in the cabin in Finland this summer. That is…
Little did I know arriving in Thessaloniki…
When I got out of the airport doors I felt hot and heavy air, quite different from the German early summer where I arrived from.I was searching for a local bus to take me to the bus terminal in Thessaloniki.I…
Do you envy or celebrate with others?
When was the last time you were happy for someone? I mean truly happy and joyful for another person's talent, good fortune, relationship, looks, job, family, a good event in their life. I love when I access that! For me happiness…
Do you do what excites you?
One of my main drivers for work and life in general is that I do things I like and feel excited about. And as little as possible things I don't like doing. What does this mean to me? It means…
I get paid for being me and for being present
I am now in Austria! After postponing the workshops twice earlier this year due to Covid, I'm finally here.And I'm making myself happy about that. I notice warmth in my chest and a smile on my face.Pete and I have been…
Asking for what I want
Do you want to know what I think is one of the biggest routes to happiness? Asking for what I want. Each time I want something, asking for it. When I worry that the other person doesn’t want the same…
What makes you feel joy?
Pete and I are currently leading a year-long Practitioner Program and this month’s theme is: Pride and Joy. I love that theme! In our work, Pete and I often are dealing with the expression of “heavy emotions” such as anger, sadness, anxiety, fear, shame,…