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Join the Transformational 8-Day Intensive Retreat in La Palma island 21 Feb - 1 March!
small rain puddle in leaf on the ground

Do you hear the raindrops?

When was the last time you consciously slowed down? Walked a little slower?Stopped to look at the sky or trees? I have been slow for the past few days. I got done less than normally.Last week I wrote about how I…

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group of people standing outside with clouds, grass and forest behind them

You are perfect as you are

I have been tired lately. 11 days ago we finished Radical Honesty Trainer's Training in Winterberg, Germany and I have been feeling tired ever since.  My father's funeral also took place last week adding to the emotional intensity and stress. I have been…

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lake in Orivesi Finland

Being in the Moment

As I sit here on the pier, I feel the breeze on my face. I hear the waves hitting the shore and the loons calling to each other on the far side of the lake. I close my eyes and…

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The Art of Listening

Right now, I hear cars in the distance, bird singing, tree leaves fluttering in the wind. I hear noise from the sky that I imagine comes from a plane. What do you hear right now?Take a moment to just listen……

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Honesty Europe blog post at peace

At Peace

As I sit here on the pier, I feel the breeze on my face. I listen to hear the waves hitting the shore and the loons calling to each other on the far side of the lake. I close my…

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