My grandmother was an exceptional woman. She was very modern for her time. She wore…

I was looking at the Atlantic ocean
I am sitting in a small villa facing the Atlantic ocean. This is the last house on the little path facing the sea which has many shades of blue and some white lines on the ocean surface too.
I found this scenery so relaxing – sea and sharp brown shorelines with green on the top.
Pete is listening to music next to me on the coach.
The morning sun is hitting the hills and I see the white foam on the wave tops.
We got here a day after the 8-day intensive in a hillside villa in Tijarafe about 33 kilometres from here (and 1 hour by car on the winding hillside roads). The first night Pete and I slept for 9.5 hours and woke up refreshed after the intense retreat.
I was surprised at such a long sleep! I’m great at sleeping long and that’s far more rare for Pete.
We did some Qi-gong on the lawn facing the sea, meditated silently for 20 minutes and ate breakfast in the sunshine. I enjoyed feeling the sun and sea breeze on my face while meditating.
I placed a bunch of local pink and red flowers I picked the evening before in a jar on our white picnic table.
The coffee tasted great! And papaya we had with our muesli.
We played a ‘colors and columns’ dice game while having breakfast.
Once in a while I took a long look at the sea just to remind myself I am really here in this amazing place.
The first evening here we took a walk and explored the building next to ours, it is abandoned with an overgrown backyard with wildflowers. We climbed to the roof and enjoyed the scenery of mountain sides and bushes, some houses scattered here and there on the landscape and the view far to the ocean.
No boats, no people. Mainly sounds of birds and waves.
The walk continued uphill on a cobblestone path and most houses we saw were abandoned, doors locked and window shutters closed. Old stone walls around houses and some water tanks full of water, some empty and abandoned.
I felt excited to explore the village. Like a little kid not knowing what is behind the next corner.
I enjoyed seeing some outgrown gardens with flowers I haven’t seen before and some flowers I recognize of smaller pot plant versions such as poinsettia and pelargonia. Colorful little houses, now empty and once full of life.
So why am I writing about all this to you?
I love this little place, the last white house at the end of the cobblestone walking path and the village of El Tablado, a remote place between two ravines. The six kilometres from the main road to the village takes 20 minutes to drive and brakes are indeed in use.
Dragon trees growing on the hillside and gecko hunting for insects on the wall. I hear chirping sounds of the canary birds in the bushes.
I also write to remind you – and myself – of the gift of no schedules and the magic of taking it easy.
I wrote these lines last Wednesday. Now I have returned to Finland and we still have snow on the ground. I see forest in my backyard, no ocean or stone houses nearby. It has been sunny and pretty.
Another kind of wonderland.
I am still happy thinking about the memory of being in La Palma and I feel rested and ready to lead another weekend workshop – this time Advanced Weekend in Helsinki 18-20 March with Michaela.
Are you good at relaxing?
When did you take time off last time?
Tuulia and Pete
PS: Are you willing to help Pete & I?
Two weeks back we sent you a survey to learn about your wishes and interests you have for Honesty Europe’s workshops and retreats. You have still time to answer until 21st March!
You have still another three days to answer the questionnaire which you will find here.