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Join the Transformational 8-Day Intensive Retreat in La Palma island 21 Feb - 1 March!
Pete Jordan and Tuulia Syvänen at the Honesty Europe Gathering in Spitzmühle, Germany 2021

“It’s OK to fully show myself”

On Sunday, we said goodbye to 38 other honesty fans in Spitzmühle near Berlin at the Honesty Gathering.

I am still so grateful and happy that we are able to meet face to face again. The Honesty Gathering and Radical Honesty & Tantra Retreat before that have been exceptionally important events not only for us but also for many others who have been mainly meeting people online.

Now we are able to laugh, dance and cry together.

And get angry and get over it.

I am also happy that Pete and I decided to follow my dream of a having bigger gathering besides the workshops where people can meet and hang out and join sessions if they wish and be part of the community.

I’m amazed that so many people decided to join taken the COVID restrictions just being loosened.

Thank you for being there.

And if you were not there you are welcome next time.

In case you haven’t joined a workshop yet you might have questions, fears, worries and wishes.

You might wonder what happens in our workshops and retreats.

You might be unsure whether it makes sense to you to join.

What happens and how our workshops and retreats are beneficial is different for each person! As we are different. And the topics we are struggling with.

And it’s best described by the participants themselves.

Here’s what some participants have to say about their experience at our workshops and retreats:

Radical Honesty workshops are basically the only workshops I resonate with in the field of self-healing (what I’ve heard about and tried of). I was already practicing becoming more self aware of myself and expressing myself more honestly when I first heard about Radical Honesty. Through the workshops and the ideology behind it I got a whole bunch of support for that and very concrete tools for expressing myself honestly and simply and separating my feelings, thoughts, body sensations (and maybe intuition).

What I like the most about RH workshops is that they are – what I judge to be – very down to earth and simple. I don’t feel like I enter in some kind of dissociative bubble when I go to the workshop – I feel like I enter in a clear space and atmosphere where I don’t have to worry too much what feelings and thoughts would “break the vibe”. I also love that RH is a lot about healthy separation, which I find very important to me (and in general too, at the moment).
I also trust more and more to Tuulia’s and Pete’s facilitation and ability to deal with what arises in them in a way that I imagine I never really have experienced in a workshop, therapy or a situation where there is some kind of authority/leader.
I really have gotten a lot from the workshops and it’s hard for me to even describe how much and what are all the things and what keeps me getting back.”

– Participant, Finland

I feel very open and safe towards the others in the workshop group and still regularly share with them and even meet up sometimes in person. That is a relationship that developed over the course of the workshop.
I was surprised about how my experience while sharing with the group was often very different to what I had anticipated it would be.
The hot-seat experience I had during the workshop was one of the most powerful experiences I’ve had in my life. The reactions from the group afterward were very reassuring and I found that it’s OK to fully show myself to people.
I was impressed with how the team worked together in facilitating the workshop. They each seemed to seamlessly take the lead at different times. They provided a great example for how to go about expressing oneself and coaching others to do so
My understanding of how to share honestly with others has grown tremendously in the workshop and in the time since the workshop. I had attended a couple of Radical Honesty weekend workshops before, which were very helpful, but the 8-day workshop made a great difference in how much I seem to understand what this is about and how to actually do it.”

– Ulrich, Germany

I have to admit I was a little apprehensive at the beginning of the workshop, I did not know what to expect. But after Day 1 I was totally hooked.This workshop really transformed my relationship with myself first of all.
Tuulia and Pete are a formidable duo, solid workshop leaders, authentic, talented, respectful and a good laugh too. I loved Tuulia’s loving yet firm grip on me undergoing the process. After the workshop I felt more confident, a better communicator. I can be true to myself and to others with more ease now. I make myself believe that Radical Honesty is an absolute must in today’s world!
Radical Honesty is in my life all the time since this workshop. It is a process so I am still learning.That’s the beauty of it, you can get better and better at it! The more honest I am with myself the more vibrant I feel.”

– Gabi, UK / Romania

”I have realized how honesty and transparency about my body’s reactions and my thoughts is KEY in resolving most issues in life. Radical honesty to me doesn’t mean that people start to be rude or disrespectful. Quite the contrary. I think honesty is a gift for another person. First of all- sharing truths that are difficult to say will settle things in the way they really should be. And you can never know how the other person will react. Still you are willing to take the risk as you respect authenticity. And I believe that honesty leads to authenticity and that leads to real love. Loving and respecting myself and others.
And it is this gift giving that I have learned in RH events. I have been able to trust Tuulia and Pete in their experience and training and this has allowed me to express myself in a safe environment. And I respect the way Tuulia and Pete have challenged me each time. The events are not easy or comfortable. But that’s when the real shadows are seen and I can start to work with them. The workshops have been a playing ground for skills I was not able nor allowed to learn as a kid. I think everyone benefits from this work. However I think the biggest and healthiest mindfucks are for those people who have learned to be too “nice” and who avoid conflicts (too much). I could not imagine starting a relationship with anyone who would not agree on the RH principles anymore. It’s such a game changer.”

– Katriina

I had read about Tuulia and Radical Honesty in a newspaper article, and weeks or months later when I felt that I had come to a dead end of sorts in my life, I decided to find out more about RH and attended an introductory session. My curiosity was tickled, and when I got a chance to attend a 5-day summer workshop with Tuulia and Pete I leapt at it.

The workshop was excellent and it is difficult to explain why, because a lot happened during those five days and I am still applying the things I discovered there in my everyday life and trying to keep learning. I believe I am now better at listening to my “gut feeling”, and have acquired new communication skills as well.

I am now definitely more honest with myself, and hopefully more honest with others too. I am continuing my practice of Radical Honesty with Tuulia and the people I have met through RH – it is something of a laboratory where it is safe to express your feelings and witness others do the same.”
– Sasha

My participation in Radical Honesty workshop was an experience of transforming my personality. It helped me to work with a series of separations and deaths that happened in my life the previous years.I have now a greater ease to express what happens in me, since I managed to express my deep pain.
And very important that I watched the other participants do so. So I get it,that I am not the only one. We were a very nice group, big respect to all the participants! I like the sincere care of Tuulia and Pete! Also the deep understanding with which they have met me. And of course I understand the depth and the amount of experience hidden behind this ability.”

– Hara, Greece

I’ve done two workshops now and I am flabbergasted. Initially the idea of being honest was a no-brainer. After learning about radical honesty it was scaring. And after trying it out my understanding went from being honest to a more fitting being true to myself. That’s what this whole experience is about for me. Being true to myself through owning and expressing my thoughts and feelings. It does not get more alpha than this 😉 I’d recommend it to everyone. Every man and every woman.”
– Alex, Austria

Watch this video to learn what Werner says about his experience:

And here you can watch about participants’ experiences at our retreats at the cabins in Finland!

In case you have joined our workshops and retreats, how have they been for you?

Are you willing to share via email or write to our Facebook page?

We wish you a wonderful week and sunshine!

Tuulia & Pete

P.S. Have you seen our upcoming Radical Honesty retreats and workshops?

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