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Join the Transformational 8-Day Intensive Retreat in La Palma island 21 Feb - 1 March!

7 Ways to Ruin Your S*x Life!

Many of us seem to be quite skillful in turning an amazing sex life into one that is run-of-the-mill if not outright unpleasant.Here are my favorite ways to ruin one’s sex life!1. Having sex only late in the evening, or…

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Obliged to be romantic?❤️

With this poem by Wendy Cope I wish you a Happy Valentine's day! ❤️Or Happy Friends' Day as we call it in Finland.Today we are obliged to be romanticAnd think of yet another valentine.We know the rules and we are…

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Love is most sane and sunly ❤️

How does love show up for you?What does love mean to you? ❤️This week I want to share with you this poem that I really like by the American poet E. E. is more thicker than forgetmore thinner than…

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What is love?

Bubbly feeling in the stomach.Some call it butterflies.Excitement.Also peace.Restful happiness.Feeling of being held.Not only physically but also mentally.I asked in the Honesty Europe community Facebook group what people want to read in the upcoming newsletters. One answer was love.This person wrote ”I imagine…

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What comes mind when you think about the word “love”? Do you think about your partner, child/children, parents, friends, pets? Do you think about the lack of love in your life or the abundance of it? Do you love the…

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