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Obliged to be romantic?❤️

With this poem by Wendy Cope I wish you a Happy Valentine’s day! ❤️

Or Happy Friends’ Day as we call it in Finland.

Today we are obliged to be romantic
And think of yet another valentine.
We know the rules and we are both pedantic:
Today’s the day we have to be romantic.
Our love is old and sure, not new and frantic.
You know I’m yours and I know you are mine.
And saying that has made me feel romantic,
My dearest love, my darling valentine. – Wendy Cope: Another Valentine

For me love is a lot about being.
I am in the state of love.

I am in the Here and Now and enjoy feeling my breath.
I enjoy feeling the chair underneath me.
I enjoy feeling warmness in my cheeks.

Loving myself. Loving others around me.

I even love people I just met.
I can also love people I don’t particularly like. I love the human in them, even I might not want to hang out with them or be their friend.

I like this poem about old love. New love is exciting and adventurous, maybe also scary and nerve racking (are they really into me? Do they care about me as much as I care about them?)

My love for Pete is now old love.
I had lunch with a friend and told that Pete & I were asking questions from a card deck for Long term Couples.

He said “Long term?”

” Almost nine years”, I said.

“Yes, that qualifies long term”, he said.

I like hearing that. I like thinking that Pete and I are an old couple yet still feeling excitement when we are together, feeling a buzz in our bodies when talking sexy and also having peace and harmony in our connection.

I like thinking of numbers and years, I like long term connections and commitments. Two of my closest friends have been my friends since I was 12 – that is 39 years.

Here is a some talk from Pete and I about How to Practice Radical Honesty in Romantic relationships.

In this video I talk about love.

Who do you love?

When did you last tell them? ❤️

I wish you a Happy Valentine’s Day regardless of you having a romantic partner (or several), regardless of you even wanting to have romance in your life! ?

Tuulia (& Pete)
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