Seven years ago, I led my first workshop. I still remember how confident and nervous…
Ongoing Learning & Pete’s Somatic Experiencing Training
What do you want to learn in the next year?
What skills do you want to develop? What knowledge do you want to gain?
I am a fan of ongoing learning – in all different forms. For example, for me: doing personal reflections on my work, asking for feedback from others, educating myself on topics I know less about (recently: compulsive behavior), doing work supervision and debriefing with co-leaders during and after each workshop, reading books and listening to podcasts on related topics, and participating in shorter and longer trainings and workshops.
Over the past two years, I’ve particularly learned a lot from the movement, dance and tantric workshops that I participated in. I mostly experienced joy at those events, though, at times I experienced embarrassment and discomfort, too.
I judge we also have time for “non-active learning”. Having the time and space to relax and nourish oneself, being with loved ones, being in fresh air and nature and moving one’s body. I believe real learning and internalizing of new things happens best when we have space for it to do so. When I’m tired, stressed or tight in my body, I judge I have less ability to take in new stuff.
Do you make sure you have enough rest and me-time?
So how do we—Pete and I—as trainers ensure our ongoing learning?
Last month, Pete finished his three-year Somatic Experiencing training and became certified as an S.E. Practitioner. Somatic Experiencing—a modality created by Peter Levine—is a body-based therapeutic practice working with trauma and traumatic events. Watch this video where we talk more about Somatic Experiencing and how it relates to our work in Radical Honesty.
I am investing in ongoing personal work supervision to address situations I made difficult for myself and focusing on my wellbeing and creating healthy work-related boundaries. We both also do a monthly group work supervision with the founder of Radical Honesty, Brad Blanton.
Pete and I also have a monthly sharing and reflection calls with two other trainers. And I judge one of the most important things for me right now is to invest in rest and two-way personal relationships where I have space to express myself and to consciously step out of my professional role of serving others in order to create space for new learnings.
What are you curious and interested in about right now?
What are you excited to learn more about? What do you notice in your body while you think about it?
P.S. Check out our upcoming Radical Honesty workshops and retreats.
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