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Join the Transformational 8-Day Intensive Retreat in La Palma island 21 Feb - 1 March!
tuulia and pete of honesty europe with yurt in finland


Dear friend,

I judge that I say this too rarely…


A warm thanks from me to you for being an important part of our community and our workshops!

More than 2000 people received out last newsletter. I’m amazed thinking about that! I judge that’s a massive number for us, considering we only started our work fullsteam a few years ago and we’re a two-person family business.

Without you, this community and our company would not exist.

On top of all that, we continually receive messages from people who tell us that they have gotten support from what we express in these newsletters and my videos. I love hearing people—you!—say they appreciate our work.

For a few days last week, I had felt pretty low. During that period, I received a few positive messages from people. They had told me that they had gotten a lot out of my YouTube videos and from our free webinars. They expressed appreciation and a request that I keep offering more videos and webinars. I felt deeply touched by those of you who had reached out to me and shared those thoughts with me. And the timing couldn’t have been better. I soon felt more upbeat and worthy again.

Thank you!

I wish you a sunny week!
Now I’m going to go enjoy the sunshine and read my book.

Tuulia (and Pete)

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