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Join the Transformational 8-Day Intensive Retreat in La Palma island 21 Feb - 1 March!

What are you good at?

Want to practice something?

Many of us are very good at naming all the things we are not good at and what we have failed at.

Many of us – including me – have a tendency to have more focus on the negative, tough, challenging, scary and worrisome stuff.

So let me challenge you a little!

What about telling what you are good at and owning your excellence and talent?

What are you good at? Exercise

I’m proposing this exercise for you to notice how it is be a bit more daring than usual. This exercise is about noticing your fears and worries when sharing, noticing your thoughts, noticing your physical sensations in your body and noticing the other person listening. What look they have on their face, how they hold their body. What interpretations you make out of their facial expressions.

Are you ready? This is how it goes:

  1. Tell at least three people – ideally five – what you are good at during in the next two weeks.
  2. When you start talking make yourself vulnerable and declare any nervousness, excitement, fear, embarrassment and joy you might have.
  3. When you have shared your emotions, then go ahead and that tell them what you are good at. While you do so pay attention to all sensations in your body and stay present in the experience. Notice any shifts in your body.
  4. Notice your thoughts and notice what you see and hear.
  5. Share with your partner how this experience was for you. And invite them to share what they are good at if you want.

Note! This exercise is not meant to be used as a underhanded way to put yourself down such as “I’m very good at being depressed”, “I’m an average good but not as good as my friend / mom” or “I’m sometimes / at times good at xx”.

Bonus! Share something you are embarrassed or uncomfortable sharing “I am a very good singer”, “I am a good lover”, “I am good at giving or receiving oral sex”, “I am a great mother / father / daughter / son”.

How does this exercise sound?

How was it for you?

Tuulia (& Pete)

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