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Join the Transformational 8-Day Intensive Retreat in La Palma island 21 Feb - 1 March!

In their own words

Testimonials from workshop participants
Testimonial Ulrich

Ulrich Jungblut

I am having a very exciting time in these first eight weeks since taking the 8-Day workshop led by Tuulia. I am opening up to people about things I had previously withheld. That feels quite intense most of the time and usually leads to an emotional exchange and a closeness that is unusual for me.  Read more

Marja in her own words

Marja Godvliet

I went to my first Radical Honesty workshop with Tuulia in October 2015. I can honestly say it impacted my life tremendously. During the workshop, I saw my patterns and learned a lot from honest feedback of others. It gave me a mirror to see myself through the eyes of others, something that I had never experienced before. Read more

Sandro testimonial

Sandro Dalla Torre

I came across Radical Honesty in a moment of great uncertainty about how much to share in my former relationship. Withholding made me feel stuck, saying things made me feel rejected. So, what to do?  Read more

Laura Nina Mosci

Last summer in Greece, at the Kalikalos centre in Kissos I had the chance to participate in the Radical honesty workshop with Tuulia and Pete. The experience with Tuulia as a coach was really positive, she is completely present to all what happens and she is very supportive, always being there for the participants.  Read more

Taina Marjanen

I was sceptical as to how much one weekend could mean to me. But as I listened to others and shared my story, I started to understand what was bothering me. I was trying to hide in order not to be hurt. This hiding caused me pain and loneliness, because I wasn’t being my authentic self. Read more

Mia Korkeakoski

The workshop was very intensive. The atmosphere was supportive and safe, due to the commitment we all gave to complete sharing of the truth and openness. Read more


Testimonials about Tuulia&Pete


“The facilitators at Honesty Europe are highly skilled, well trained, and are all-around cool humans.” — Susan Campbell (United States)

“I really like Pete and Tuulia’s way of leading the workshops and judge that each of them complements the other in a wonderful way – personally, as well as in coaching. I made myself feel safe and supported when being coached by the two of them and I imagine I’ve personally grown a lot throughout their workshops. I have learned a lot about myself and worked through many topics, supported by what I judge to be on-point comments and loving empathy.” — Laura (Germany)

“I imagine Pete and Tullia facilitate the retreats in a way that allows security and awareness. I feel calm around them and I like their simplicity.” — Elise (France)

“Tuulia and Pete are amazing hosts who attract really interesting adventurous people and manage to create an atmosphere of honest investigation, reflection, introspection and trust. Their workshops are warmly recommended.” — Michael (Denmark)

Pete and Tuulia are great Radical Honesty facilitators. Experiencing them facilitate together is a gift. I judge they complete each other with their strengths. I felt accepted and loved and, at the same time, challenged and pushed out of my comfort zone. I’ve grown a lot by this experience. Thank you both. — Nathalie (Germany)

“I’ve been able to trust Tuulia and Pete in their experience and training and this has allowed me to express myself in a safe environment. And I respect the way Tuulia and Pete have challenged me each time. The workshops are not easy or comfortable. But that’s when my real shadows are seen and I can start to work with them. The workshops have been a playground for skills I was unable or not allowed to learn as a kid.” — Katriina (Finland)

“These two really know what they are doing. And the commitment and love that they put into work is amazing and helps the participants to transform themselves.” — Luis (Portugal)

“I also trust more and more Tuulia and Pete’s facilitation and ability to deal with what arises in them in a way that I imagine I never really have experienced in a workshop, therapy or a situation where there is some kind of authority/leader.” — Johanna (Finland)

“I keep coming back to Radical Honesty events because I judge them to bring me alive. Tuulia and Pete expertly open a space where I can explore my inner world, share it with others, and become aware of my patterns.” —  Annie (Austria)

“I have attended several Radical Honesty workshops including an 8-day intensive workshop with Tuulia and Pete. The workshop gave me intense impulses for my awareness development. Tuulia and Pete are absolute professionals and very authentic in their leadership. They manage to lead a heterogeneous group in such a way that each participant benefits in their own way. I felt well accompanied and inspired at all times and I was able to let myself go with total confidence and concentrate on my inner processes. Together, Pete and Tuulia are a dream team with a deep understanding and feeling for Radical Honesty.” — Carmen (Germany)

“I appreciate having a co-leading of genders. I judge having both Tuulia and Pete brings me different perspectives and sensitivity about my issues and triggers.” — Nina (France)

“I attended several Radical Honesty workshops led by Tuulia & Pete and in each of them I had deep experiences which changed my life significantly.” — Albrecht (Germany)

“I recently attended my first workshop with Tuulia and Pete and can genuinely recommend them and their workshops!! They create and facilitate a space for open and honest sharing and patiently support their participants in opening up and processing whatever arises. They are very supportive and kind, and very good at what they do. I learned a lot about staying present with my bodily sensations as I share or listen, which helps me be present and honest. I also feel very grateful for communication tools and practices they shared with us and hope to incorporate them into my daily life with time. I can already feel that I am connecting with myself, my wishes, and my boundaries more due to this work and that I feel I already have more tools to communicate these things with other people in a productive way. I feel very excited about having participated in this workshop with Tuulia and Pete and highly recommend them!” — Fini (Austria)

“My first Radical Honesty workshop was a ride worth taking! I learned a lot about myself, my secrets, my wants and my anger and how liberating speaking my truth is. Pete and Tuulia are great coaches, kind, down to earth and fun, and clearly very experienced. I highly recommend taking a workshop with them!” — Chrissy (Germany)

“I have never met such capable, challenging, kind and caring facilitators like Tuulia and Pete. Thank you for supporting me and encouraging me to grow! I look forward to the next workshops with you two – be it online or in person. Hugs!” — Stephanie (Germany)

Pete and Tuulia have created safe spaces for me to express myself honestly, which has led to a lot of growth in my life. I enjoy the mixture of deep emotional work of Radical Honesty with the playful moments of dance and exercises they include. These workshops are not only a place for deep healing but also to experiment with being a more alive, authentic and passionate human being. I have treasured memories of my workshops with them and I attribute those largely to the non-judgemental, supportive environment these experienced trainers provide. — Dustin (France)

“I like Pete and Tuulia’s workshops. I judge them to be interesting and well organized and fun and I imagine I get a lot out of them.” — Geoff (United States)

“I love the way Pete & Tuulia facilitated the workshop: with lots of wit, trust and love, and lots of experience.” Johann (Germany)

“Tuulia & Pete are great facilitators for deep transformational processes. Again and again, I am amazed by how they hold space and coach people into experiences. They are direct, very attentive and fun. I love the mix of really deep work, friendship, silliness and warmness. They are both very good at holding space and guiding people with trauma reactions. I imagine they are doing a really great job. I am very grateful for the way they facilitate and how they are as just human beings. They are open, vulnerable and they don’t pretend to know everything or be all in control. I trust them. Thank you!“ — Michael (Germany)

“I judge Tuulia and Pete to be safe and present when facilitating. I felt like I was being seen and supported. From the bottom of my heart, I thank both of them.” — Eve (Finland)

“I love my Radical Honesty community and I love coming to retreats hosted by Pete and Tuulia. They both live and breathe this stuff and they know how to run retreats that are fun, real and rewarding for everybody.” — Werner (Germany)

“Tuulia and Pete are a formidable duo, solid workshop leaders, authentic, talented, respectful and a good laugh, too. After the workshop I feel more confident, a better communicator. I can be true to myself and to others with more ease now. Radical Honesty is in my life all the time since this workshop. The more honest I am with myself the more vibrant I feel.” — Gabi (Romania)

“I judge Pete and Tuulia work very well together and I made it easy for me to trust them even more than at my first workshop a year ago.” — Timo (Germany)

“Apart from being great RH trainers, Pete & Tuulia are highly inspiring role models when it comes to creating a healthy romantic relationship. I love how and what they share about their processes, their agreements and rituals.ger and hear other people’s anger for the first time in my life. I experienced how just being myself is the best way to connect to people. I felt relief and happiness in a way I had not experienced before. Throughout the entire retreat, I felt very safe and guided.” — Gabriela (Switzerland)

“Pete and Tuulia are caring, supportive, real and professional, good role models for living a radically honest (and what I judge to be quite a free) life and showing themselves vulnerable, too. Great workshop leaders from top to bottom, paying attention to details and well organized.” — Melanie (Germany)

“I want more Radical Honesty, in workshops and in my life. Tuulia and Pete are great and they live as they teach.” — Juha (Finland)

“Tuulia and Pete are very present, reliable trainers who I can count on to manage any challenging situation in workshops. I like very much how they interact with each other when they don’t agree. I appreciate very much how they approach learning processes. I imagine they are truly living Radical Honesty for themselves.” — Karin (Germany)

“Pete and Tuulia are very passionate about what they do. Practicing Radical Honesty in the community they created around Europe has definitely had a profound effect on my personal development!” — Maya (Austria)

“Pete and Tuulia’s combined approach and chemistry between them shaped this workshop greatly beyond the content. I am grateful to have been led by them and look forward to being led by them again.” – Julie (Denmark)

The workshop with Pete and Tuulia has been one of the best experiences of my life and definitely worth every cent. They show incredible experience by knowing exactly when to explain or even push a little and when to just wait for things to happen alone in the space they have created.” – Sebastian (Germany)

“Pete & Tuulia teach Radical Honesty in a very clear way, fearless and full of love, confronting and light. They made me feel like old friends right away, and they share their gold and diamonds generously, putting themselves at stake all the time.” – Gijs (The Netherlands)

“Tuulia and Pete created a very safe space at the workshop for me to get down in the dirt and do the work even though I was shit-scared to do it. For the first time in my life, I dared to really feel my anger and the all-destroying power of it and let it move through me while communicating it to another human being. After the workshop I feel like there has been a main-cleaning in my body and mind. I feel my creativity rising and my presence attuned. I appreciate Tuulia and Pete for creating a safe space for me to explore my raw emotions in communication with others.” – Kitt (Denmark)

“I judge Tuulia and Pete to be very talented workshop leaders. In the retreat I attended, they created a wonderful, personal space—also by showing themselves as the imperfect humans they are—in which sharing whatever feelings and thoughts was very easy and so welcomed! High recommendation!” – Taranee (Germany)

“Pete & Tuulia created both an encouraging and challenging space. I felt safe showing myself in ways I haven’t shown myself before and I grew beyond what I had thought possible in those 8 days.” – Ananda (Switzerland)

“Tuulia & Pete are thoughtful, expert, and thorough facilitators, who practice what they ‘preach,’ not just with each other and with the group, but through the prism of their own facilitator role, modelling vulnerability even while holding space, in a way that would be rare in other settings.” – Katy (England)

“Pete and Tuulia are great facilitators of Radical Honesty. I find them to be gentle and firm. Consistent and firm but not pushy in the way they facilitate. I felt supported and cared for by them and pushed to grow, but not forced or ever made to feel I was wrong.” – Dan (United States)

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